Monday, February 24, 2014

Who Are You?

Bigot. Uneducated. Hateful.

The GLBT community is constantly compared to the civil rights movement and racism today, and people just accept that argument. You can't really argue with that, can you? Well, not if you let them make that presupposition in the first place.

However, I don't think it's anything like racism at all. In fact, I think it's degrading to the civil rights movement and all those who risked their lives fighting for freedom from that.

I find it, not like racism at all, but rather, like smoking, and everyone knows that it's OK to discriminate against smokers. Their bad choices damage their own health, as well as those around them. Homosexuality has also been proven to be very unhealthy to those practicing it.

Now, before you start screaming that sexual orientation is not a choice, that they're born that way, let me just state that I agree completely. We are all born with a sinful nature, my sins may manifest in different ways than yours, but it is still a sin nature with devastating effects. The biggest difference is that we need to turn from those sins, rather than attempt to legitimize them.

Enter, the Gay Agenda, set upon making the world see homosexuality as normal.

Make no mistake, it does exist. You can read all about it, and see how successful it's been, leading right up to where we are today.

The Gay Agenda

Followed by a book, expanding on these ideas a couple of years later, is this book, called "After The Ball".

After The Ball

One way of going about achieving this goal is to compare it to some other fight that has already been won and has widespread public support. Racism fits the bill nicely, compare it to that.

Next, ensure that any who would dare to oppose the agenda are dealt with swiftly and harshly, in order to strike fear into the perceived enemy so that they will lay down and do nothing. Mock them, ridicule them, bully them into silence. Oh, and while we're at it, let's make them out to be the bullies, that will make it more difficult for them to cry foul.

Now then, we must garner sympathy for the movement, so this will require some persecution, whether real or not, matters very little, but there must be the perception of persecution and mistreatment.
Here are some examples.

Assault on student

Man Admits Hate Crime False Attack

Falsified Police Report in Alleged Anti Gay Attack

News Video Joseph Baken

The College Fix

Bias Hoax

Gay Lesbian Task Force

And let's not forget the famous Matthew Shepard case.

abc news

Turns out, it didn't happen quite as we were told.

Another thing to keep in mind, in our already over-sexually charged society, it is very easy to remind people of their own shortcomings in order to quiet them down for fear of being seen as some sort of hypocrite.

Yet, we are not seeing any adultery pride parades, or any proud liars clubs. People are not real receptive to child molesters, but what is the real difference? Weren't they born with their sexual orientation, too?

If you simply look at it in a rational way, it becomes quite clear just how ridiculous this whole idea is. And so, you are a bigot. Uneducated. A hater.

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