Monday, November 27, 2017

Saturday 11/25/17

ASU vs U of A game was on Saturday, so it was crowded on Mill Ave.  Traffic was a mess with road closures and accidents, but a lot of us met out there to evangelize.  My wife and youngest daughter came out, and we met up with Nick, Chris, Eddie, Leigh who brought his sister Danica, Matt and David.  We handed out a lot of tracts, had a few one to one conversations, and a little Open Air preaching. 

It’s been a long time since we’ve had so many people evangelizing that we had to split up into different locations, praise God.  This has been an answer to my prayer of Luke 10:2, asking for more workers in the harvest field. 

Next week is the Tempe Art Festival during the day.  At night all the tents are closed down, but still in the streets, so there is no traffic driving around, which makes it nice.  The week after that (Dec 9th), I’ll be having another evangelism class at church before heading out, so I’m hoping to bring out even more workers. 

We talked with a few people, I took a guy named Brian through the Good Person Test (GPT), and explained the Gospel.  It seemed to make sense to him, pray that the Lord would work in his heart, convicting him of his sins and drawing him near for salvation.  I’ll try to have more details on specific encounters next week, but this night was pretty busy. 

Soli Deo Gloria

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