Thursday, August 25, 2022

Cage Stage

Is this where I'm at now? The cage stage? I've been accused of being Calvinist for a while now, simply because I find things like "predestination", "the elect", "chosen before time", in the Bible, and much less on God being a respector of man, unwilling to touch his "free will" and requiring free choice in order to have true love. People in real life have unfriended me. Others call me names - liar, prideful, arrogant, ignorant and stubborn. Some even block me rather than discuss the issues. Many of those that stick around ignore the verses and explanations for these beliefs and simply set out their own. Yet all this seems to just push me closer to Reformed theology which I find in the pages of Scripture. And the arguments against it are so man-centered and appealing to our independence, self worth and freedom, that even those push me the same direction. I don't believe that anyone is saved by their theology, salvation is by grace through faith. There are saved and lost in both camps. I don't know how God remains completely sovereign over all of His creation, yet evil is still found in the world. I cannot comprehend how God has predestined and chosen certain people, yet mankind is still held accountable for their actions and choices. But I find these things in the Bible, I know they're true, and that God is Creator and sovereign over all. So I'll stand on this Biblical basis, whether you call me Calvinist, lost, or just stupid, I don't care.

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