A woman had had too much to drink, puked on herself and passed out on the sidewalk a few feet from where we were. We had two firetrucks and an ambulance on our corner, as they took her away on a stretcher. Please pray that the Lord would work in her, convict her of her lifestyle and sins and draw her to Him. I was once a part of that lifestyle of partying and poisoning myself with alcohol as well, and that very thing could have easily happened to me not that many years ago. But God kept me and brought me through that, and He can do the same with others.
I was doing some Open Air Trivia and talked with a guy named Rob (aka Canine), who is currently homeless. He said he had a Catholic background and his wife was Evangelical, so they met in the middle and decided to be Episcopalian. He thought sacrament was a requirement for salvation (still a little works-based ideas hanging in there), so I explained that it was repentance and trust in Christ alone, that there is no way we can earn our own way and that only He can pay our fine.
There was a strange guy who came out and yelled in general, but you couldn't really understand what he was ranting about. He kinda sounded like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon. Here's a picture of him, to the left.
Tom spoke with a young girl named Isabel and her mother for a while, and then prayed with them afterward. He said that Isabel had felt convicted, repented of her sins and prayed for Jesus Christ to come into her life right there on the sidewalk. We talked with both of them for a while and then they left. I think Tom caught some of that on video as well, so keep an eye on his blog for more info on that one. http://tillthenetsrful.blogspot.com/.
A man was riding by on a bike as I held out a Trillion Dollar Bill tract and he stopped to talk with me. He said he didn't understand English real well, and asked if I'd explain it to him.
So I briefly took him through the Good Person Test and he said it that it made sense.
His name was Achmed, and he was not a Christian, but did want to keep the tract to look into it further.
Later, he came back, because he had accidentally torn his tract and asked for another. So I gave him another Trillion Dollar Bill as well as an "Are You Good Enough to Get Into Heaven?" tract. He said he would read them.
We went to Denny's afterward, and Tom asked our waiter if it was ok with him if we prayed, and he responded, "Sure, as long as I can join you!" His name is Rodney, and he is currently houseless, living in his car. Without hesitation, he stuck out his hands and said, "Ready?" and so we prayed with, and for, our waiter. This was the first time we had such an enthusiastic waiter regarding prayer.
He was looking for a church, so I gave him the name and cross streets for Shiloh. It would be a bit of a drive for him from Tempe, but maybe I'll see him there one of these Sundays. Please keep him in prayer, and pray for the lost who are on the road to eternal destruction.
Also, pray for more workers in the harvest field (Luke 10:2).
Soli Deo Gloria
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