I didn’t know that the Black Hebrew Israelites were KJOnly. Did you know that King James was black? Yes, the King of England, that is what they believe! And if you’re a white person, you’re going to hell, there is no hope for you, whatsoever. Quite the racist group, and they usually won’t even talk to me. There is no reasoning with them, either. So, this guy, carrying a fifth of vodka on the street was telling Matt how his HCSB was “changed” and “wrong”, and how all the tribes of Israel can be traced to specific races today. He usually stood a few inches from his face and yelled very loudly. Still, he was more friendly than most of these guys that I’ve come across.

A couple of guys almost got into a fight in front of us while Aaron was preaching. The first I was aware of was when one man smashed the other guys soda container and started yelling at him. Apparently, they knew each other a little bit, but were having some sort of disagreement that got out of hand. I managed to get between them and calmed the aggressor down. I was also able to leave a tract with him as he went about his night.
Aaron took a homeless guy to get a burger and went over some verses, having a little Bible study in the restaurant with him for a while. The guy had a lot of questions and seemed to really want to understand what the Bible says. He stopped by and asked more questions to the rest of us later on.
Chris bought a meal for another homeless guy, and we talked with him for a little while in the restaurant. He had a Roman Catholic background and seems to have moved on to some sort of new age idolatry now. We didn’t have a real productive discussion with him, but perhaps God will use this as a starting point to get him turned around and on the right track.
Please pray that God would work in all of those that we talked with or gave tracts to, and any that heard the Open Air preaching, that He would convict them of their sins, show them their need of a Savior and turn to Him for salvation.
May we glorify God in all that we do.
Soli Deo Gloria
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