Our atheists who come out to oppose the street preaching on Mill Ave brought a rack of used clothes to give away to those in need. This is very generous and thoughtful thing to do, as there are some homeless and needy people on the streets of Tempe. So what is the difference between these atheists doing good and a Christian doing it?
Only the Gospel being proclaimed. A Christian cannot simply “live the life”, “let their light shine” or think that people will just notice some sort of “hope within” and consider that sharing the Gospel. Good works are great, and we should do them and continue doing them. But we are also commanded to proclaim the Gospel with words (Rom 10:13-14).

In the words of Penn Jillette (who is an atheist, yet understands the importance of evangelizing for those who truly believe), “How much do you have to hate someone, to believe that eternal life exists and not tell people that?”
I did some Open Air Trivia and a man named Ace stopped for the Good Person Test. We went through that and found that he was actually a self admitted lying, coveting thief, and a blaspheming adulterer-at-heart, just like most of the rest of us. He had heard of repentance before, but I explained that there are two things required in order to make Christ’s sacrifice apply to our lives: First we must repent, turning away from our sins, and then trust in Jesus alone for our salvation. He understood, and we sent him away with a Save Yourself Some Pain booklet.
Later on Tom talked with a man named Rick, who took some extra tracts to hand out to others. He was very enthusiastic about witnessing and he is looking forward to going through a training class that Tom is putting on next month in Tempe.
We were playing with the light illusion and a couple of guys stopped. We talked to them for a while before they mentioned that they were Mormons. They were very set in their beliefs, and Tom and I talked to them for a bit on their belief that Jesus saves us “after all that we can do” and how that doesn’t match up with the Bible teaching that we are saved by grace alone. Richard brought up the verse in the Bible where Paul said that if anyone brings a different Gospel, that they are to be accursed. Our Mormon friends insisted that it wasn’t a different Gospel, but there is a definite difference between what Mormonism teaches and what Biblical Christianity teaches.
They didn’t seem to have enough knowledge to properly defend their beliefs, so they left us after a little while.
Then a few Japanese tourists stopped and asked if they could take a picture with our cross. I gave them each a tract and they took their pictures. I’m still not sure why they wanted that or what their thoughts were about it.
Later on a drunk guy decided he wanted to drag the cross out to the sidewalk. It’s interesting how many people have attempted to steal the six foot cross made out of 4x4’s. I tried to talk to him a bit, and he informed me that Jesus drank. I explained to him that Jesus never got drunk or sinned in any way, so then he cursed at me and walked away.
Tom and I stayed out there with Marcus and Jennifer until 1:00 in the morning. Over all, it was a pretty typical night out on Mill, planting seeds and distributing tracts.
Soli Deo Gloria
About the article: Acts of charity, whether it be monetary, material or voluntary contributions of time/skill are of value of whether the 'giver' states 'why' they choose to disclose their motivation.
Most profound acts of true charity and sacrafice take place under humble anonmnimity, and proclaiming the motivation (humanist or Christian) as better than the other is both attention-seeking and prideful, neither values to be emulated reguardless of your beliefs.
These athiests behave terribly, shouting, cursing, and accosting people who believe differently from them, condemning these different human experience, as inferior, anitintellectual, backwards and archaic. The wear intentionally provocotive clothing and offensive signs, intentionally irrevrent and disrespecful. It is a sad ideology and hyppocracy indeed. But for this group, or any other to practice and desire of others.
Bottom line, the righteous thing in this situation is to thank those who have offended you and God (if you believe this) for their charitable act, indepenant of their motivation. Praise the act, be thankful for the act, and forgive the pride and defiance. This is the Christian thing to do.
By the way, I would like to add, athiests have their own group, their own symbols, they meet in their own meetings, and their is no proof God DOSEN"T exist, so I admire them a little, cause it takes a lot of faith!
If one chooses to remain anonymous in their good works, that's not a problem at all. As an atheist not believing that there will be a day of judgment, I guess that would seem alright. But as a Christian, having the knowledge of eternal life and not sharing it as commanded, it is horrible. Doing good works alone is only providing people a little better life to go to eternal hell from.
Some atheists might behave as you've described, but certainly not all of them. They are lost, blind and enslaved in their sin, but quite honestly, there are many who claim to be believers who don't really behave a whole lot differently. And all of us were the same way, prior to conversion.
These atheists are not offending me, that would be like finding offense against a blind man who had bumped into you and fallen down - ridiculous! We do thank them for the commendable acts of charity, whatever their motivation, and forgiveness is most certainly available, should they repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation. I'd really like to see that happen.
However, I cannot find myself admiring the lack of belief. Maybe it takes some faith, but the rebellion is going to be punished severely. I cannot respect atheism or any form of false religion, as it is a deception from Satan, but neither do I condemn the people who are caught up in it. All I can do is witness to them and leave the conversion up to God.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I do appreciate other points of view for discussion.
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