Thursday, June 9, 2011

Saturday 06-04-11

It was kind of slow on Mill Ave this weekend, as it starts to get hotter, school is out, so there are not as many people around. We had a lot of Christians out to share the Gospel though, and it was a good night.

Shawn and Kayleigh (our atheists from the Skeptic Tank) came out, we haven't seen them in a while. Joe went over and prayed near her, which makes her extremely angry. She set off her siren on the bullhorn and told him to get away from her, yet she was walking towards him as she said this.
They hung around for a little while, but Kayleigh said that the Christian music that I was playing was making her nautious, so they left. I told them to come back later, and she said, "No!" and left us with a profanity. I really don't think it was our music that bothered her so much as the prayers of Joe, rebuking the demonic influence.

Tom talked to a woman who was a Christian and took her through the Good Person Test for a couple of glow sticks.
I gave her a "Save Yourself Some Pain" booklet by Ray Comfort, and she said she liked Ray's stuff.

Tom talked with another guy who came by and went through the Good Person Test.  He claimed that he was God, and that God was in everything in the universe - some sort of pantheist view, I guess.  Tom gave him the glowstick and he went on his way, refusing any tracts or other information from us.

Brandt did some Open Air Trivia and took a few people through the Good Person Test. He can always gather a pretty good crowd.

A woman stopped by to tell him (as well as the rest of us) that God is all loving and that we need to forgive ourselves instead of projecting our guilt on to others.  Brandt explained the Gospel to her, but she just wasn't getting it.  Kat talked with her as well, but this woman was unwilling to let go of her view and look at what the Bible actually said. She was an average false convert that we find so many of in America today, due to a watered down Gospel message. I didn't get her name, but God knows who she is, please pray that He will reveal Himself to her that she might realize her only hope and only need is forgiveness by the one true God of the Bible whom she's offended through transgressing His moral Law.

We packed up a little early since it was slow and went to Taco Bell for some food and fellowhip before heading home.

Soli Deo Gloria

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