A woman named Alexis was stopped to check out the illusion board while waiting for her ride. I managed to get through the Good Person Test with her, but her ride pulled up before we could get to what she needed to do to be saved. I gave her an “Are You Good Enough To Get Into Heaven?” tract as she left.
Becka, Nathan and Alice stopped by with a few others. I took them through the "genius" questions and through the GPT. It seemed that they might have heard some of the questions before. I couldn’t really tell if they felt convicted at all, but did give them tracts when they left, except for one, who said, “I’m good.” I said, “Didn’t we just talk about that?
I saw some guys walking by carrying Bibles, and asked if they were having a Bible study. They stopped to see what we were handing out and we talked to them for a little while. Their names are James and David, and when asked what they were doing, they said they were doing the same thing we were. They said they were familiar with the WOTM teaching, but didn't seem to be using it in evangelism. I gave them a card and told them to contact us to check out Tom’s next class, so maybe we’ll hear from them again.
Alex and Abigail were a couple who stopped at our Einstein Illusion, and I was able to take them through the GPT. They were kind of quiet, so I’m not really sure what they were thinking, but I gave them each a tract after we were done.
A guy and four kids stopped by, and I was able to share the Gospel with them through the GPT, and gave them each a Ten Commandment coin. I showed them how to do the trick of pulling the coin out of the air. Going through the genius questions, they didn’t even know who Moses was – one of them said, “What’s a Moses?” It would seem that our teaching of our children is falling away these days.
I was getting ready to take things down, and a man named EJ came over. I could see his reaction as he noticed the illusion from pretty far away, . I was able to talk to him and share the Gospel. He said he’d heard it before, and even considered walking away, but that he liked to hear people out, so he stayed. He didn’t really seem convicted, even asking if there was any proof of hell when I was explaining it. I told him that by the time you have the proof, it’s already too late. Please keep him in prayer.
I’m not sure if he is saved or not, because hearing something, having knowledge, does not necessarily make one a believer, only God does that.
So we share with everyone as we are commanded, and God convicts those that He convicts, and draws those that He draws.
Here's Dan, talking with a group of people who stopped to check out his board.

I talked to a guy named Ryan, who was looking for 50 cents more to be able to get a hamburger. I gave him one of the “Gift For You” tracts that had a five in it. He was impressed with that and said he would read it. He even came back over and talked with me more after he read it. I gave him an "Are You Good Enough To Get Into Heaven" tract and he asked about my church. So, I gave him the address and service times of our church. Maybe we'll see him there sometime.
He said he’d grown up with Christianity crammed down his throat and had some issues with it. But this really seemed to affect him in a positive way.
Soli Deo Gloria
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